Help K1 during Corona time

Help the most vulnerable during this Covid-19 Pandemic

What we learned from K1 Britannia Foundation while helping out on the streets about why all should enjoy “Mobilize Sint Maarten, Through Music”.

Our founder Roy van Zutphen experienced first hand how organized K1 and its dedicated Volunteers work to deliver food to those in need.
“The K1 DiRECT team and approx 30 volunteers work non-stop to help and I was very surprised by how professional they operate.”
“Experiencing to be out on the streets; it’s heart-warming to notice how extremely grateful and friendly everyone is under these difficult circumstances.”
“When you notice the need becomes bigger and hear the painful reality that money is running out, it’s time for action… and so we organized a fundraiser.” (Roy van Zutphen)
Until our Island is open for tourism, many on Sint Maarten | Saint Martin are struggling, by contributing to K1 Britannia you help the most vulnerable in our society.

The K1 Volunteers in collaboration with MaartenLikeStMaarten and We Are SXM made a show that explains more about the struggles while showing the beauty, variety, and unity of our Island. Have a drink and a dance with us!

Iris Hakkens, Kelvin James (Artist: King James), and Roy van Zutphen (We Are SXM Director) are hosting the presentation. From acoustic & pop to reggae  & rock, there are great songs lined up for you. Get to know SXM, through music.

Enjoy the show and we hope to see you soon again on our lovely Friendly Island!

All the following artists have dedicated music to help our cause: King James | Orange Grove | JonnyGuy | Latin Sugar | Shady Brothers | Avocado Pie, | Bushman | Percy Rankin | Kainos | Gianfranco & Lee | Funky Horny Horns | Dj King Kembe | Dj EM | Dj Big Boss | Dj Outkast | Mister T | Jayson Miro | Tanya Michelle | Sweet Pan Entertainment | Guilda | Amartey | Dwayne Wright | Tha Hot Shot | Betty V | Ebony Empress, | Sherman de Vries. Thank you!