Sint Maarten Nectar (2025) | 100% Natural

“Artisanal Skincare products, Aromatherapy, Essential Oils and Home Fragrances. 100% Natural plant-based products!”

Sint Maarten Nectar is a truly local based business that has exploded into the skincare market.
Nalia began looking for alternative skincare products and realized she had to develop her own. As the products became more popular and word spread so did the business.
Sint Maarten Nectar is now a household name with multiple boutiques and a full spa and a mini spa. All the products are 100% handmade in St. Maarten and come directly from nature, never any chemicals.

The products are all made with fair trade ingredients, vegan-friendly and cruelty-free.

Sint Maarten Nectar Boutique Store - location Port St Maarten, Cole Bay, Marigot, Oyster Bay - 100% Natural Beauty & Skincare products.
St. Martin / Sint Maarten Nectar Boutique Store - 100% Natural Beauty & Skincare products: Artisanal Skincare, Aromatherapy, Home Fragrances & Essential Oils

The collections include Face, Body, Hair, Sun Protection, Baby Care, Home Fragrances and Aromas. You can order your favorites online and they ship worldwide.

The flagship store is located in Cole Bay. You can visit the boutique and laboratory on an island tour or just stop by and watch the team make amazing plant-based products. You will have a wonderful time testing and smelling the products in the boutique and talking with the friendly knowledgeable staff.
Experiencing the product is even more fun than buying them so head over to Oyster Bay Beach Resort and indulge in the Sint Maarten Nectar Hair Salon & Wellness Spa.

When visiting the french side of the island stop in the boutique and mini spa in the heart of Marigot, West Indies Skincare Marigot Boutique and Mini Spa. And if you are only visiting by ship there is a kiosk right in the Port of St. Maarten.

Overall this place stands for quality like we do and if you mention (We Are SXM) you enjoy 10% discount on all store products!

Click below to request more information or to make a reservation. Mention your preferred dates, and please don’t delete the subject title for us to know which activity/service you inquire about.

Sint Maarten Nectar stores| 100% Natural products, easy overview:

  • Unique We Are! SXM Special
    Mention “We Are SXM”: 10% discount all store products.

  • Pricing from – to
    From $5 and up.

  • Working times
    Open daily from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

  • Location on map & Address
    NL: Wellington Rd #15 – Cole Bay, St. Maarten
    NL: #10 Emerald Merit Rd., OBBR, SXM

  • Email address

Download the We Are SXM App. for GPS service & the Island Pocket Guide for all information offline.

  • We love learning and improving

  • Share your experience and positive feedback below
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Sint Maarten Nectar | Cole Bay
Average rating:  
 5 reviews
 by Abby Sarah

I just visited Sint Maarten Nectar and loved it. It is a truly local-based business that has exploded into the skincare market. Experiencing the product is even more fun than buying them. Highly recommended!

 by Ella Jackson

Body polish, facial, massage products were outrageous. Results lasted for days. Clean place. Natural products. Bought face polish and shea butter and mosquito repellent for home.

 by Maria Rodriguez

I have always had very sensitive, problem-prone skin. I cannot believe how helpful this home-made natural product is. I love how in the beginning Nalia breaks down different skin types and the different things that we put on our skin. And she breaks down why each kind of thing is important and what it has to do. Then she gives all kinds of all-natural recipes for things it will be good for the skin. Highly recommended!

 by Karen

Been coming to SXM for over 20 years and never knew this place until I saw this link on Facebook. I bought my sunscreen, body lotion and hair-loss oil for my husband. The products are all really nice, smells good and natural and the anti-hair-loss works better than anything we tried before! We will order more online soon :)

 by Marie Trolio

Always! Their bug 0% is the best! Great products!